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Try to name a bigger badass than Kristin McCarthy. I dare you.

Strength comes in many forms. There is physical strength and mental strength. Kristin is a powerlifting boss, a passionate mother and strong friend.

Having only started competing a year ago, Kristin currently holds the North Carolina state powerlifting record for the masters division and for her weight class. Kristin has taken the title because she doesn’t doubt herself.

“It bugs me when strong women doubt themselves,” Kristin says. “Some women come up to me and say ‘I wish I could lift like you.’ But there are things I wish I could do, that they can! I’m in awe by the women around me. They are strong and should be cheered on.”

Kristin’s back squat PR is currently 305, I mean BADASS.

While she just started powerlifting, Kristin has always wanted to be a chef. She started working in a kitchen as a dishwasher at the age of 13 and quickly moved up. Kristin now serves as head chef at Kappa Delta sorority at UNC, cooking every night for over 200 strong yet stubborn, collegiate women. Myself, Janie Price, being one of them. ;)

Kristin is not just chef or powerlifter, she is also a loving mother and wife. I have been privileged with picking Caitlin, Kristin’s daughter, up from the Y and taking her to KD these past 3 years. Every time Caitlin walks into the KD kitchen, she pops her head in the door and calls “mamooshka.” Kristin quickly answers with a hug and “babooshka.” While their relationship is playful and loving, Kristin wants her daughter to feel empowered. “I don’t want Caitlin to ever feel like she’s been sexualized or that she can’t get something because of her sex,” Kristin remarks.

When I am not picking up Caitlin, attending class or going out on the town with my friends, I am hanging and venting to Kristin. She was my rock and mentor at UNC. A few weeks before graduation, Kristin was away at the Women Chefs and Resturanteurs conference in Minneapolis. When she got back Kristin spoke of the empowerment she felt at the conference being surrounded by top-level women and chefs. I noted that Kristin was amazing too and she responded, “I know I can make an impact on you girls but those women [at the conference] are badass.” Well Kristin, don’t forget how much of a badass mentor figure you are in Chapel Hill - to Kappa Delta, to CrossfitLocal, and to me personally.

Kristin, you changed my college experience for the better. Whether we were chatting in the little back office of the kitchen, grabbing drinks at the Crunkleton, or indoor skydiving, you were there for me and there to make everything more fun and more joyful.

Over the past four years you have given me so many nuggets of advice. But three things stick out to me and I’ll do my best to follow them:

  1. Do not be an apologizer if you did nothing wrong.

  2. Say yes to the opportunities and no to the things that make you uncomfortable.

  3. Stay strong – physically and mentally.

I love you, Kristin. #WGSD


The Jane Way
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